Service Anti-spam
Service anti-virus
Routage SMTP
Rapports quotidiens
Mes messages bloqués
Administration client
Les annuaires
Protéger les adresses
Liens de sites Anti-Spam
Le Spam

How it works.

Our service AWmailPro, uses a technology called the replication directories.

Clearly this means that the IT department of your company has no process to achieve when creating, deleting or changing email accounts on your corporate servers.

Replication of your company directory, is responsible for keeping us informed of all these changes, including when you change your password Intranet, it no later than after a few will be the same on our website http:// and allow you to access your quarantine area and so free of any quarantined messages and then accidentally put the address of the recipient in the white list for receipt of your account so that this does not happen again.


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